
01. CSS Grid Part 1 πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ“πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ“

CSS Grid

CSS Grid can be used to build simple and skeletal layouts. It can also be used to create polished, professional-level layouts.

In this activity, you will use CSS Grid to re-create the design of an online furniture store.


Part 1: Hero Section

Here is what we will build in this section!

Part 1 Solution

  • Open the files index.html and style.css.

    • You’ll notice that the HTML and CSS for the navigation bar code have already been completed along with some typography-related CSS.
  • The HTML for the grid in the image at the beginning of this activity has already been completed. Review the HTML structure below.

    • Make sure you review the index.html activity as you write your CSS selectors.

Part 1 HTML

  • In style.css, create a selector that targets the heroGrid ID.

heroGrid CSS Selector

  • Add the following properties to define the overall size of the grid:

Grid Size Properties

  • Now that you have sized the CSS Grid, it’s time to add more CSS properties. Use the grid-template-rows:, grid-template-columns:, and grid-template-areas: properties to create the structure of the CSS Grid.

  • The #heroGrid ID at the top of the page has two rows and two columns.

    • The first row and first column each occupy 75% of their respective areas.

    • The second row and second column each occupy the remaining 25% of their respective areas.

    • Use the values above for the grid-template-rows: and grid-template-columns: properties.

    • CSS hint: Do not use commas between percentages.

  • Hero grid layout visual:

Hero Grid Layout

  • Next, add to your CSS: #heroGrid{ grid-template-areas: }.

  • Hint: The featuredProduct occupies the top and bottom left areas, the secondaryProduct is in the top right, and the CTA is in the bottom right.

  • Add content to the CSS Grid.

    • HTML reference:

HTML Reference

  • Create three CSS selectors that target the IDs of each area within the grid from the HTML: featuredProduct, secondaryProduct, and CTA.

    • Within each selector, define the value for the grid-area: property so that each CSS selector and the CSS contained within it is associated with the correct area within the grid.

    • Hint: Spelling and capitalization in the syntax matter here, so pay attention.

  • Add a background-image: to each .heroGridArea class selector using the images provided in the images folder.

  • Add the following properties and values to the #CTA ID selector. These will be used to style content within this grid area.

CTA Properties

  • Notice the repeated .heroGridArea class on each grid area in index.html. You can use CSS to target all instances of that class and style each instance the same way. Create a CSS selector that targets the .heroGridArea class and add the following CSS properties:

heroGridArea Properties

  • Open index.html in your browser. It should almost look complete, except for the fact that the headline div isn’t in the right place.

  • In order to align the headline div, add a border: 5px solid #FF6200;.

  • Next, add a transparent background-color:.

    • You could do this with a transparent image or you can use the rgba() function to define red, green, blue, and alpha (opacity) values for a color.

    • Set the value for background-color to rgba(255,255,255,0.8);.

    • This will set the background color to white at 80% opacity.

  • Position the headline div so that it’s floating above and between the featuredProduct and secondaryProduct grid areas.

  • Hint: You will need to use position: absolute; along with top and right values to achieve this.

  • Lastly, add a z-index value to move the headline div above its parent and then add padding to create some spacing.

  • Now, finally, open index.html in your browser. You should see your final resultβ€”the grid you just built!

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