
02. CSS Grid Part 2 πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ“πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ“

CSS Grid and Breakpoints

CSS Grid can be used to build simple and skeletal layouts. It can also be used to create polished, professional-level layouts.

In this activity, you will use CSS Grid to re-create the design of an online furniture store.


Part 2: Furniture Grid

In this section, we will finish building the rest of the page!

Part 2 Solution

  • Before creating our second grid, add a div with the class subHeading.

Create an h3 tag and add the text β€œShop by Category” within this div.

  • Next, create the HTML tags that will be our second grid under our first. Give the second grid the ID categoryGrid.

    • Hint: Use a section tag for your grid.
  • Create the following HTML structure inside your newly created section tag. This is all the HTML structure you will need for your second grid.

Category HTML

  • Next, open style.css.

  • Create a selector that targets the subHeading class. Add the following:

Sub Heading Properties

  • Create a selector that targets your second grid using its ID.

  • Add margin: 0px 5%; and display: grid; to create your grid.

  • Use the grid-template-rows, grid-template-columns, and grid-template-areas properties to create the structure of the grid.

    • You will have three columns and three rows in this layout (note the illustration below).

    • Make your row 300px tall.

    • Each column should occupy one-third of the area (use fractional units).

    • The area should look like the diagram below:

    Category Grid Layout

  • Next, create five selectors that target each grid area you created in index.html. Remember to target the ID for each area.

  • Add a background-image to each grid area selector using the images provided in the images folder.

  • Create a selector for the common grid area class categoryGridArea.

  • Add the following properties and values to this selector:

    Category Grid Area Properties

  • Lastly, create a selector to target the heading class with the following:

    Heading Properties

  • Now, open index.html in your browser and take a look at both grids.

  • You should notice that you’ve created a great-looking layout using nested grids!


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