
02. Row Columns πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ“πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ“

Bootstrap Containers and Rows

Your page has a navbar and jumbotron, so it’s time to add a structure for its content.

Understanding how to structure a layout using containers, rows, and columns is necessary to create effective layouts with Bootstrap, as they are the default way to add structure to your site using Bootstrap 4.

Bootstrap Grid Reference

Grid Reference

Here is a quick reference for each Bootstrap 4 class used to build containers and rows:

  • Container: Containers provide a means to center and horizontally pad your site’s contents.

  • Container-fluid: Fluid containers function almost the same way as regular containers, except that they span the entire width of your device’s viewport.

  • Row: Rows are wrappers for columns.

  • Column: Columns are nested within rows and determine the width of your content within a row (Bootstrap rows can be divided into 12 columns).

  • Read more about column widths and screen sizes here.


  1. Add a <div> with the class container-fluid after your jumbotron.

  2. Within this new <div>, add another <div> with the class row.

  3. At this point, you should have two <div> tags, one nested in the other.

  4. Lastly, add a <div> with the classes cardContainer col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-12 within the row div.

  5. BONUS: Can you tell what the col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-12 classes are doing to the <div>?

  • Take a look at the Bootstrap documentation for an answer.

  • Hint: Look up lg, md, and sm references.

  1. Your final step is to copy and paste this newly created <div> three times within the row div.

  2. You should now have a row <div> with four children <div> tags.

  3. If you want to see what is happening on your page, add some dummy copy within the child divs.

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