08. Conditional Statement π©βπ«π§βπ«
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<title>Conditional Statements</title>
<h1 style="text-align:center;">Open the Console to See the Magic β¨! </h1>
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var hungerLevel = 50;
var isLunchTime = true;
var lunchBill = 11;
// If statement
// Evaluates to true so "Hungry" is logged
if (hungerLevel >= 50) {
// Evaluates to false so nothing is logged
if (hungerLevel < 50) {
// Else statement
// Evaluates to true so "Lunchtime" is logged
if (isLunchTime === true) {
} else {
console.log("Not Lunchtime");
// isLunchTime is another way of writing "isLunchTime === true"
if (isLunchTime) {
} else {
console.log("Not Lunchtime!!");
// Evaluates to false so "It's Lunchtime Already" is logged
if (!isLunchTime) {
console.log("Not Lunchtime Already!!");
} else {
console.log("It's Lunchtime Already !!");
// Else if allows you to test more than one condition
// The first condition is false, so the second condition is evaluated. Logs "Cost Rating: $$""
if (lunchBill < 10) {
console.log("Cost Rating: $");
} else if (lunchBill >= 10 && lunchBill < 15) {
console.log("Cost Rating: $$");
} else {
console.log("Cost Rating: $$$");