In this activity, you will work with a partner to build a rock-paper-scissors game using only JavaScript.
Rules for rock-paper-scissors
Begin the process of coding out the rock-paper-scissors game.
As a user:
The computer’s selection must be random to ensure a fair game.
Follow your pseudocode as much as you can, and if you get stuck don’t worry, this is a challenging assignment.
Refer to the documentation:
// Creates an array that lists out all of the options (Rock, Paper, or Scissors).
var computerChoices = [ 'r', 'p', 's' ];
// Creating variables to hold the number of wins, losses, and ties. They start at 0.
var wins = 0;
var losses = 0;
var ties = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// Randomly chooses a choice from the options array. This is the Computer's guess.
var computerGuess = computerChoices[Math.floor(Math.random() * computerChoices.length)];
// Collect the user's response and convert to lower case.
var userGuess = prompt('Enter r, p, or s to play!');
userGuess = userGuess.toLowerCase();
// Only run game logic if user chose a valid option
if (userGuess === 'r' || userGuess === 'p' || userGuess === 's') {
alert('The computer chose ' + computerGuess);
// Win/lose conditions:
if (userGuess === computerGuess) {
alert("You've tied " + ties + ' time(s).');
} else if (
(userGuess === 'r' && computerGuess === 's') ||
(userGuess === 's' && computerGuess === 'p') ||
(userGuess === 'p' && computerGuess === 'r')
) {
alert("You've won " + wins + ' time(s)!');
} else {
alert("You've lost " + losses + ' time(s).');
// When the game is over, alert the totals to the user. We can use the \n character to make a line break.
alert('Total wins: ' + wins + '\nTotal ties: ' + ties + '\nTotal losses: ' + losses);