01. Object Methods π©βπ«π§βπ«
// Objects can store more than primitive data types like strings, booleans and numbers
var planet = {
name: "Earth",
age: "4.543 billion years",
moons: 1,
isPopulated: true,
population: "7.594 billion",
// Objects can store arrays in a key-value pair
neighboringPlanets: ["Mars", "Venus"],
// Objects can also store methods
tellFunFact: function () {
console.log("The earth is the only planet in our solar system not named after a Roman god or goddess.");
showWarning: function () {
console.log("Space junk falls into Earth's atmosphere at a rate of about one a day.");
// To access a value in an array, use the name of the object, the key and the index.
// Logs "Mars" using dot notation
// Logs "Mars" using bracket notation
// To call a method, use the name of the object and the key. Don't forget the ()!