For this Challenge please unzip the zip file.
Module | Mac 🍎 | Duration | Window 🖼️ | Duration |
05 | Video 📺 | 00:36:05 ⏲️ | Video 📺 | 00:36:05 ⏲️ |
This week’s Challenge requires you to create an application that an employee can use to generate a random password based on criteria they’ve selected by modifying starter code.
You’ll create an app that runs in the browser and features dynamically updated HTML
and CSS
, all powered by JavaScript
code that you will write. Your app will have a clean and polished user interface that is responsive, ensuring that it adapts to multiple screen sizes.
The password can include special characters. If you’re unfamiliar with these, see this list of Password Special Characters from the OWASP Foundation Links to an external site..
Before you begin, download your starter code
for this Challenge and unzip the zip file.
The following image shows the web application’s appearance and functionality:
Your application must:
Generate a password when the button is clicked.
Present a series of prompts for password criteria:
Length of password:
At least 10 characters but no more than 64.
Character types:
Special characters ($@%&*, etc.)
Code should validate for each input and at least one character type should be selected.
Once all prompts are answered, the password should be generated and displayed in an alert or written to the page.