02. Event Listener πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ“πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ“

πŸ—οΈ Implement Event Handler on Mouse Click

Work with a partner to implement the following user story:

  • As a developer, I want to increment or decrement a count when a user clicks on a button.

Acceptance Criteria

  • It’s done when a user clicks on the increment button and the count is increased by 1.

  • It’s done when a user clicks on the decrement button and, if the count is greater than 0, the count is decreased by 1.


The following animation demonstrates the web application’s appearance and functionality:

As the user selects the Decrement and Increment buttons, the Current Count number decreases and increases respectively.

πŸ’‘ Hints

What method can we use to listen for an mouse click?

πŸ† Bonus

If you have completed this activity, work through the following challenge with your partner to further your knowledge:

  • A click is just one type of DOM event. What are some others?

Use Google or another search engine to research this.

βœ… Solutions

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