06. Moment Format πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ“πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ“

πŸ“– Create Solutions to the Date Quiz

Implement the following user story:

  • As a user, I want to be able to view the correct answers to multiple questions about dates and time.

Acceptance Criteria

  • It’s done when every question prompt on the page is correctly answered and displayed in the correct format using Moment.js.

πŸ“ Notes

Refer to the following documentation:

Moment.js Docs

Note: Moment.js has historically been the most popular date/time library, but is now no longer supported by its developers. It is still functional and widely used, which is why we are introducing it through this unit.

πŸ’‘ Hints

  • Refer to the official Moment.js docs on parsing to format ISO 8601 strings.

  • Follow the instructions provided by the comments in the starter code to format the date that answers the questions and assign them to the declared variable provided.

  • Save often and check index.html in your browser to see your progress.

πŸ† Bonus

If you have completed the activity and want to further your knowledge, work through the following challenge:

  • How can we measure the difference between two time stamps with Moment.js? Read the Moment.js Docs to research how this works.

βœ… Solutions

Solutions Click Here