Implement the following user story:
Refer to the following documentation:
Note: Moment.js
has historically been the most popular date/time library, but is now no longer supported by its developers. It is still functional and widely used, which is why we are introducing it through this unit.
Refer to the official Moment.js docs on parsing to format ISO 8601 strings.
Follow the instructions provided by the comments in the starter code to format the date that answers the questions and assign them to the declared variable provided.
Save often and check index.html in your browser to see your progress.
If you have completed the activity and want to further your knowledge, work through the following challenge:
? Read the Moment.js Docs to research how this works.<!DOCTYPE html>
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<h1 class="title">Moment Quiz</h1>
<p>Answer the following questions</p>
<p class="question">
1. What is your graduation date in the following format: 1 Jan 1999?
<p id="1a" class="answer"></p>
<p class="question">
2. What day of the week will 1/1/2022 be?
<p id="2a" class="answer"></p>
<p class="question">
3. Out of 365, what day of the year is today?(or 366 in a leap year)
<p id="3a" class="answer"></p>
<p class="question">
4. What is the current time in the following format, hours:minutes:seconds?
<p id="4a" class="answer"></p>
<p class="question">
5. What is the current Unix timestamp?
<p id="5a" class="answer"></p>
<p class="question">
6. Parse the following Unix timestamp, 1318781876, and convert into any time/date format.
<p id="6a" class="answer"></p>
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// Use Moment.js to format the following variables:
// TODO: 1. What is your graduation date in the following format: Jan 1st, 1999?
var gradDate = moment("2021-06-15").format("D MMM YYYY");
// TODO: 2. What day of the week will 1/1/2022 be?
var weekDay = moment("1.1.2022", "D.M.YYYY").format("ddd D MMM YYYY");
// TODO: 3. Out of 365, what day of the year is today?
var dayYear = moment().format("DDD");
// TODO: 4. What is the current time in the format: hours:minutes:seconds
var time = moment().format("HH:mm:ss");
// TODO: 5. What is the current Unix timestamp?
var unix = moment().format("X");
// TODO: 6. Parse the following Unix timestamp, 1318781876, and convert into any time/date format.
var unixFormat = moment.unix(1318781876).format("D MMM YYYY, HH:mm:ss");