Using your previous activity files or the starter code provided, complete the following requirements.
Your final code should:
Dynamically generate at least 4 buttons, using jQuery, above the search bar.
Each button should be a different movie title.
Allow users to create new buttons upon entering text in the textbox and clicking Add a Movie
If you finish early, begin reading about HTML5 data-*
attributes and how (and why) you would add them to dynamically generated elements with the jQuery .attr()
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-gb">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Favorite Movies</title>
<style type="text/css">
input {
margin: 10px;
<div class="container">
<h1>Movie Search</h1>
<!-- Movies will get dumped here -->
<div id="buttons-view"></div>
<form id="movie-form">
<label for="movie-input">Add a Movie
<input type="text" id="movie-input"><br>
<!-- Button triggers new movie to be added -->
<input id="add-movie" type="submit" value="Add a Movie
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./script.js"></script>
// Initial array of movies
var movies = ["The Matrix", "Dune", "Mr. Right", "The Lion King"];
// Function for displaying movie data
function renderButtons() {
// Deleting the movie buttons prior to adding new movie buttons
// (this is necessary otherwise we will have repeat buttons)
// Looping through the array of movies
for (var i = 0; i < movies.length; i++) {
// Then dynamicaly generating buttons for each movie in the array.
// This code $("<button>") is all jQuery needs to create the start and end tag. (<button></button>)
var a = $("<button>");
// Adding a class
// Adding a data-attribute with a value of the movie at index i
a.attr("data-name", movies[i]);
// Providing the button's text with a value of the movie at index i
// Adding the button to the HTML
// This function handles events where one button is clicked
$("#add-movie").on("click", function(event) {
// event.preventDefault() prevents the form from trying to submit itself.
// We're using a form so that the user can hit enter instead of clicking the button if they want
// This line will grab the text from the input box
var movie = $("#movie-input").val().trim();
// The movie from the textbox is then added to our array
// calling renderButtons which handles the processing of our movie array
// Calling the renderButtons function at least once to display the initial list of movies