Using the starter code provided to you, complete the application as follows:
Search the Bandsintown API for the artist specified in the search box.
Print the following information to the #artist-div
as semantic HTML elements:
The artist’s name
The artist’s thumbnail image
The number of fans tracking this artist
The number of upcoming events for this artist
A link to the bandsintown url for this artist
Bandsintown is a service for finding out when and where bands and artists are scheduled to tour.
Information on how to use query the Bandsintown API can be found here.
This is a free public API, and you will not need to sign up for anything.
Scroll down the API docs and study the examples. See if you can figure out how to query for an artist’s information. You will need to use the /artists/{artistname} endpoint
The app_id
parameter described in the docs is required but can be set to anything you wish.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-gb">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Bands In Town</title>
<!-- Artist Select Box -->
<form id="artist-form">
<!-- Label for Text Box -->
<label for="artist-input">Choose Your Artist</label>
<!-- Text Input Box -->
<input type="text" id="artist-input"><br>
<!-- Submit Button -->
<input id="select-artist" type="submit" value="GO!">
<!-- Artist Information -->
<div id="artist-div"></div>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./script.js"></script>
function searchBandsInTown(artist) {
// Querying the bandsintown api for the selected artist, the ?app_id parameter is required, but can equal anything
var queryURL = "" + artist + "?app_id=codingbootcamp";
url: queryURL,
method: "GET"
}).then(function(response) {
// Printing the entire object to console
// Constructing HTML containing the artist information
var artistName = $("<h1>").text(;
var artistURL = $("<a>").attr("href", response.url).append(artistName);
var artistImage = $("<img>").attr("src", response.thumb_url);
var trackerCount = $("<h2>").text(response.tracker_count + " fans tracking this artist");
var upcomingEvents = $("<h2>").text(response.upcoming_event_count + " upcoming events");
var goToArtist = $("<a>").attr("href", response.url).text("See Tour Dates");
// Empty the contents of the artist-div, append the new artist content
$("#artist-div").append(artistURL, artistImage, trackerCount, upcomingEvents, goToArtist);
// Event handler for user clicking the select-artist button
$("#select-artist").on("click", function(event) {
// Preventing the button from trying to submit the form
// Storing the artist name
var inputArtist = $("#artist-input").val().trim();
// Running the searchBandsInTown function(passing in the artist as an argument)