Using the starter code provided, follow the instructions below to re-create the functionality demonstrated by your instructor.
Your completed application should trigger GIFs to appear related to the animal making the sound listed in the button.
Run the index.html
file in your browser, click a button, and see what the response object looks like in the browser’s console.
element. Study the keys and how the JSON is structured.Create a variable named results
and set it equal to
Inside the for loop, create the following:
Make a div
with jQuery and store it in a variable named animalDiv
Make a paragraph tag with jQuery and store it in a variable named p
Set the inner text of the paragraph to the rating of the image in results[i]
Make an image tag with jQuery and store it in a variable named animalImage
Set the image’s src to results[i]
’s fixed_height.url
Append the p
variable to the animalDiv
Append the animalImage
variable to the animalDiv
Prepend the animalDiv
variable to the element with an id of gifs-appear-here
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-gb">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Animal Buttons</title>
<button data-animal="cat">meow</button>
<button data-animal="dog">woof</button>
<button data-animal="bird">chirp</button>
<div id="gifs-appear-here">
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./script.js">
// Adding click event listen listener to all buttons
$("button").on("click", function() {
// Grabbing and storing the data-animal property value from the button
var animal = $(this).attr("data-animal");
// Constructing a queryURL using the animal name
var queryURL = "" +
animal + "&api_key=dc6zaTOxFJmzC&limit=10";
// Performing an AJAX request with the queryURL
url: queryURL,
method: "GET"
// After data comes back from the request
.then(function(response) {
// storing the data from the AJAX request in the results variable
var results =;
// Looping through each result item
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
// Creating and storing a div tag
var animalDiv = $("<div>");
// Creating a paragraph tag with the result item's rating
var p = $("<p>").text("Rating: " + results[i].rating);
// Creating and storing an image tag
var animalImage = $("<img>");
// Setting the src attribute of the image to a property pulled off the result item
animalImage.attr("src", results[i].images.fixed_height.url);
// Appending the paragraph and image tag to the animalDiv
// Prependng the animalDiv to the HTML page in the "#gifs-appear-here" div