04. Dynamic Elements πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ“πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ“

Dynamic Elements


  • Using the starter code provided, follow the instructions below to re-create the functionality demonstrated by your instructor.

  • Your completed application should trigger GIFs to appear related to the animal making the sound listed in the button.

  • Run the index.html file in your browser, click a button, and see what the response object looks like in the browser’s console.

    • Open up the data key, then open up the 0th element. Study the keys and how the JSON is structured.
  • Create a variable named results and set it equal to response.data

  • Inside the for loop, create the following:

    • Make a div with jQuery and store it in a variable named animalDiv.

    • Make a paragraph tag with jQuery and store it in a variable named p.

    • Set the inner text of the paragraph to the rating of the image in results[i].

    • Make an image tag with jQuery and store it in a variable named animalImage.

    • Set the image’s src to results[i]’s fixed_height.url.

    • Append the p variable to the animalDiv variable.

    • Append the animalImage variable to the animalDiv variable.

    • Prepend the animalDiv variable to the element with an id of gifs-appear-here

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