Project 1 Part 1

Module 09: Project 1


Welcome to Project 1! With your team, you will conceive and execute a design that solves a real-world problem by integrating data received from multiple server-side API requests.

Because you will be working collaboratively, you will continue to use agile development methodologies and implement feature and bug fixes using git branch workflow and pull requests.

Key Topics

The following topics will be covered in this unit:

Learning Objectives

You will be employer-ready if you are able to:

  • Speak technically about a feature you implemented in your project

  • Explain and execute git branching workflow in a collaborative project

  • Resolve merge conflicts

  • Explain agile software development

  • Design, build, and deploy a client-side web application using GitHub Pages

  • Prepare a professional presentation and repository README for your project


With your team, you’ll conceive and execute a design that solves a real-world problem by integrating data received from multiple server-side API requests. You will also continue to learn about agile development methodologies to help you work collaboratively. You will implement feature and bug fixes using git branch workflow and pull requests.

You will write your own user stories and acceptance criteria in GitHub Issues to help your team stay on track with the project. Using GitHub Project as a means to track the status of your project tasks will help you understand the benefits of Kanban boards.


In the next module, you’ll continue to work on your group projects. You’ll end the week by presenting your project to your class. Once your project is complete, you’ll want to update your professional materials and add your new project to your portfolio.


Here are some additional resources to help solidify the topics covered in this unit.

Full-Stack Blog Posts

Check out the Full-Stack Blog for additional resources, like walkthroughs, articles, and installation guides.


Refer to these resources for additional information about topics covered in this unit.