
Day 1

11.1 Lesson Plan: Intro to ES6


This lesson introduces the new syntax that came with ES6. This includes arrow functions and new variables let and const. We will also cover template literals and how they can be helpful in the development process. We will also briefly introduce Node.js and how it is used to run JavaScript outside of the browser.

  • Expected to have Node.js installed, but if they don’t, be sure to tell them that they can install it using the resources found on the Node.js installation guide on The Full-Stack Blog.

  • Node.js allows us to run JavaScript outside of the browser and allows us to access things like the file system.

We will only be utilizing Node.js and NPM for the modules and outside of the browser functionality in order to set up React.

Learning Objectives

By the end of class, students will be able to:

  • Run very simple JavaScript files from the command line using Node.js.

  • Explain arrow functions and how they impact the this context.

  • Use template strings and use const and let in place of var.

  • Use functional loops like map() and filter().

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