
02. Hello Node πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ“πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ“

πŸ“– Create a Node.js Application

Implement the following user story:

  • As a developer, I want to be able to execute JavaScript programs with Node.js.

  • As a developer, I want to make a program that accepts a string as an input and logs it to the terminal.

Acceptance Criteria

  • It’s done when I have created a file, index.js, in my working directory.

  • It’s done when I have written JavaScript to log the string “Hellooo, Node!”

πŸ“ Notes

Refer to the documentation:

Node.js documentation


If you have completed this activity, work through the following challenge to further your knowledge:

  • What happens when you log window? What happens when you try to use prompt, alert, or confirm?

Use Google or another search engine to research this.

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