05. Object Destructuring π©βπ«π§βπ«
const arya = {
name: 'Arya Stark',
parents: ['Eddard Stark', 'Catelyn Stark'],
const jaime = {
name: 'Jaime Lannister',
parents: ['Tywin Lannister', 'Joanna Lannister'],
// In the past, if we wanted to pull off an object's property we'd have to do something like this:
const aryaName = arya.name;
const aryaParents = arya.parents;
console.log(aryaName); // prints `"Arya Stark"`
console.log(aryaParents); // prints `["Eddard Stark", "Catelyn Stark"]`
// Now with ES6 object destructuring syntax, we can do this:
const { name, parents } = arya;
console.log(name); // prints `"Jaime Lannister"`
console.log(parents); // prints `["Tywin Lannister", "Joanna Lannister"]`
// We can also rename our destructured properties like so:
const { name: jaimeName } = jaime;
console.log(jaimeName); // prints `"Jaime Lannister"`
// We can also destructure parameters using the same feature. e.g. previously we might have done something like this:
const logCharacter = (character) =>
`${character.name}'s parents are: ${character.parents[0]} and ${character.parents[1]}.`
// But now we can do this:
const betterLogCharacter = ({ name, parents }) =>
console.log(`${name}'s parents are: ${parents[0]} and ${parents[1]}.`);