
06. Prototypes πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ“πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ“

Character Creation with Prototypes

In this activity, you will generate RPG characters using Objects and prototypes.


  • Over the course of this activity, you are going to be using constructors to create simplistic characters for use within a very basic role-playing game (RPG).

  • Each character created using your constructor should have the following properties:

    • Name: The character’s name –> String

    • Profession: What the character does for a living –> String

    • Age: The character’s age –> Number

    • Strength: Abstraction for how strong the character is –> Number

    • HitPoints (HPs): Abstraction for how much health the character has –> Number

    • PrintStats: Function which prints all of a character’s properties to the screen

  • Once you have created your constructor, create two new characters and print their properties to the screen.

  • Now add three methods onto it via the prototype.

    • IsAlive: Function that prints whether or not this character is alive by looking into their hitpoints and determining whether they are above or below zero.

    • Attack: Function that takes in a second character and subtracts this character’s strength from their hitpoints.

    • LevelUp: Function that increases this character’s Age by 1, their Strength by 5, and their HitPoints by 25.

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