
07. Tamagotchi πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ“πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ“

Tamagotchi App

For this activity you are going to create your own basic Tamagotchi clone using constructors.


  • Remember Tamagotchis? They were those little toys that contained “digital pets” that you could feed, pet, play with, and care for.

  • Create a constructor called “DigitalPal” which will create six properties and 10 methods:

    • The first property is hungry and it initially starts out as false.

    • The second property is sleepy and it initially starts out as false.

    • The third property is bored and it initially starts out as true.

    • The fourth property is age and it initially starts out at 0.

    • The fifth property is outside and it is initially set to false.

    • The sixth property is houseCondition and it is initially set to 100β€”but not for long.

  • The first method is feed(): If hungry is true, print “That was yummy!”, set hungry to false, and then set sleepy to true. If hungry is false, print “No thanks! I’m full.”

  • The second method is sleep(): If sleepy is true, print Zzzzzzzz, set sleepy to false, then set bored to true, and then runincreaseAge() If sleepy is false, print “No way! I’m not tired.”

  • The third method is play(): If bored is true, print “Yay! Let’s play!”, set bored to false, and then set hungry to true. If bored is false, print “Not right now. Later?”

  • The fourth method is increaseAge(): This method is called by thesleep() method when the DigitalPal goes to sleep and increases the DigitalPal’s age by 1 while also printing “Happy Birthday to me! I am “+age+” old!”

  • The fifth method is bark(): This method prints out “Woof! Woof!” when run.

  • The sixth method is goOutside(): If outside is false, it prints “Yay! I love the outdoors!”, sets outside to true, and runsbark() If outside is true, it prints “We’re already outside though…”

  • The seventh method is goInside(): If outside is true, it prints “Do we have to? Fine…” and sets outside to false. If outside is false, it prints “I’m already inside…”

  • The eighth method is meow(): This method prints out “Meow! Meow!” when run.

  • The ninth method is destroyFurniture(): This method decreases houseCondition by 10 and prints “MUAHAHAHAHA! TAKE THAT FURNITURE!” to the screen. It also sets bored to false and sleepy to true. If houseCondition is equal to 0, then this should not run anymore.

  • The tenth method is buyNewFurniture(): This method increases houseCondition by 50 and prints “Are you sure about that?” to the screen.

  • Create a variable named dog that is set to a new DigitalPal.

  • Make a second variable named cat that is set to a new DigitalPal.

  • Play around with your newly created digital pets for a bit and see what else you could add in order to make them even more exciting!

  • BONUS: Make it so your Tamagotchis run off of user input from the command line. It may sound easy at first, but this can actually be quite challenging. We will be going over this in more detail during the next class.

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