
02. Test Driven Development πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ“πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ“


In this activity, you will write tests outlining the expected functionality for application code that hasn’t been implemented yet.


  • Open the algo.js file and take a moment to examine the code.

    • The Algo constructor function has three empty methods: reverse, isPalindrome, and capitalize.
  • Now open the test/algo.test.js file.

    • This file contains describe blocks for each method on the Algo constructor.
  • Write code to test each method:

    • The reverse method should take a string as an argument and return a new reversed version of the string (e.g., “Hello” should return “elloH”).

    • The isPalindrome method should take a string as an argument and return the Boolean true if the provided string is a palindrome. A palindrome is a word that is the same backwards as it is forwards (e.g., “racecar”). Return false if the string is not a palindrome.

    • The capitalize method should take a string as an argument and return a new string with the first letter of each word capitalized (e.g., “hello world!” should return “Hello World!”).

  • Important: Write code for the tests only. The only file you will be modifying is tests/algo.test.js. Initially, all your tests will fail because these methods are empty, but the tests can define how each method should work.

πŸ’‘ Hint

  • Use the previous example as a reference.