
05. Structuring Tests πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ“πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ“

Structured Tests

In this activity, you will be writing code to test two constructor functions. You will attempt to follow the Arrange-Act-Assert pattern.


  • Open the starter/child.js file and examine its contents.

    • This file exports a Child constructor function. The constructor function expects to be provided a name and an age.

    • If name is not a string or name is an empty string, an error is thrown.

    • If age is not a number, is NaN, or is less than 0, an error is thrown.

    • Otherwise, these values are added to the created instance when the constructor is called.

  • Open the starter/dayCare.js file and examine its contents:

    • This file requires the Child constructor function.

    • This file exports a DayCare constructor function.

    • The DayCare constructor has an empty children array, a capacity of 3, and an ageLimit of 6.

    • The DayCare constructor has an addChild method used for adding Child objects to the children array and a pickupChild method used for removing a Child object from the children array.

  • Inside of the starter/test/child.test.js file, write code to test that the Child constructor works as expected.

  • Inside of the starter/test/dayCare.test.js file, write code to test that the DayCare constructor and methods work as expected.

  • The only files you need to modify for this activity are starter/test/child.test.js and starter/test/dayCare.test.js.

πŸ’‘ Hints

  • After adding each test, run npm run test in your terminal to ensure that the test passes.

  • When deciding what to test for, consider the following:

    • Positive tests: What happens when things go well?

    • Negative tests: What happens in edge cases or when things shouldn’t work?

    • Exception tests: What happens in cases when an error should be thrown?