
09. Mock fs πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ“πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ“

Mock FS

In this activity, you will write code to mock and spy on the fs module to ensure that it’s called when expected with the correct arguments.


  • Open the starter/fileIO.js file and take a moment to examine its contents.

    • This file exports a FileIO constructor function with methods for reading and writing to the file system.

    • The read and write methods use the synchronous versions of fs.readFile and fs.writeFile, so no callback function is required.

  • Open starter/tests/fileIO/test.js and add code to mock the fs module its readFileSync and writeFileSync methods so that they don’t read from and write to the file system.

  • Make sure that the readFileSync and writeFileSync methods are called with the correct arguments when the FileIO.prototype.read and FileIO.prototype.write methods are called.

πŸ’‘ Hints

  • Refer to the previous demonstration to reference how to mock node modules.


  • Write tests for a FileIO.prototype.append method that should append to a given file. Then update the starter/fileIO.js file to include this method using the fs.appendFileSync method.