
04. Subclasses πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ“πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ“


In this activity, we will extend basic vehicle classes with additional functionality.


  • Open vehicle.js and take a moment to familiarize yourself with the Vehicle class.

    • All vehicles have id, numberOfWheels, and sound properties. printInfo prints the id and number of wheels on the vehicle.
  • Create a Car class that extends the Vehicle class. The car should have the following features:

    • A color property.
    • A passengers property.
    • A checkPassengers() method that checks to see if there are four or fewer passengers. If not, console.log that there are too many passengers.
    • A useHorn method that prints the car’s sound to the console.
  • Create a Boat class that also extends the Vehicle class. The boat should have the following features:

    • A crew property.
    • A crewSoundOff() method that prints each member of the crew to the console.
    • A useHorn method that prints the boat’s sound to the console.

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