03. Props πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ“πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ“


In this activity, we will modify a React application to make it more DRY through the use of props.


  • Replace your Create React App’s src folder with the provided src folder.

  • Stop the dev server if it is already running. Start the app in dev mode by running npm start. Open localhost:3000 in your web browser and take a moment to study the rendered app.

Unfinished Diagram

  • This application is the start of a friends list for a social network.

  • Open src/App.js in your editor and notice how the SpongebobCard, MrKrabsCard, and SquidwardCard are being rendered inside of Wrapper, which is in turn being rendered inside of the App component.

  • Open up each component’s files in turn and briefly study the JSX being returned by each. Most importantly, notice how all of the card components render very similar JSX. This isn’t very DRY code. We’ll fix this by creating a brand new FriendCard component and rendering it once for each friend. We’ll pass down the differentiating content in the form of props.

Finished Diagram

  • Take a moment to study the src/friends.json file. This file contains the data that make each friend card unique from one another. We’ll use this file to pass props down to our new FriendCard component.

  • Import the src/friends.json file into src/App.js. This can be achieved with the following syntax:

    import friends from "./friends.json";
  • Inside of src/App.js, remove the imports for each friend’s card and remove the JSX rendering each card inside of this file.

  • Create a brand new component named FriendCard.

    • The FriendCard component can initially contain the same code as SpongebobCard with the same CSS file.

    • Import the FriendCard component inside of src/App.js and render it inside of the Wrapper component. Before going any further, check your browser. If successful, you should only see one card being rendered.

  • Still inside of src/App.js, use the first friend object in the friends JSON file to pass the following props down to your rendered FriendCard component.

    • name

    • image

    • occupation

    • location

  • Modify the FriendCard component so that it accepts and renders all of the passed props in place of the currently hard-coded values. Once complete, check your browser to make sure that the first FriendCard is still being properly rendered.

  • Inside of src/App.js, render another FriendCard component for the second and third piece of friend data. Pass down the appropriate JSON data for each as props. If successful, you should see each friend being rendered to the browser, utilizing the same FriendCard component three times.
